The Wave of Life

An exhibition of ever-changing waves


What we know for sure in this world is that life will end someday and that everything is constantly changing.


This installation expresses the ever-changing nature of the tide rising and receding as it is stirred and changed by the footsteps of living people in the space where inked rice paper is scattered. It also corresponds to the poetry of the wave artwork on the wall.


“Living” is a major theme in my work, and I try to draw “living” lines in my calligraphy. I believe that just as we have life, the waves are alive, and so is the earth itself.


I used things for the installation that happened to be there, such as equipment for the exhibition. The splashing of the rice paper waves incorporated them in the installation to send a message about how dirty the ocean is today.


I borrowed leaves from an olive tree that happened to be growing on the gallery grounds and used them as part of the installation. I entrusted my prayers for peace to the olive tree, which is a symbol of peace.


This work shows how the living waves swirl and change from chaos to harmony moment by moment. It is also a metaphor of how we as a people with diverse values are moving toward harmony beyond the era of conflict.

The Wave of Life 〜刻々と変化する波のインスタレーション〜





Wave of Life

All life is one,
And begins in the sea.
All of us are the strings that connect the waves together.
Our fleeting breath,
Now, in this moment.
We are all the waves that crash in time.
The energy moves in pulses and waves, swirling in circles…
It harmonizes.
As we shine upon the water,
The waves of life reverberate.











