生命(イノチ)ノママニ デッカク
游(オヨ)グ スイヘイセン
モグル 宙(ソラ)ノカナタ
越エル ゲンカイテン
イノチノママニ オヨグモグルコエル
イノチノアルマニ オヨグモグルコエル
イノチノママニ イノチノアルマニ
青イウタゴエイツマデモ 生キ生キ輝ク
地球ノ青ヲ 祈ッテル
イノチノママニ イノチノアルマニ
イノチノアルマノ イノチノ ママ ノ
イノチニ イマ」
While We are a Whale
[ In the ocean there is no east or west
And In blood there are no borders
On the day the earth was born,
there were no walls
All is connected in a circle
Let us float like a whale in this sea
Swim on the horizon
Dive deep into the universe
All the way to the edge, and into the infinite
Make your way across the sea just as you are
Swim as long as you live
Remain as fresh and innocent as
the big blue earth
Live, live, shine
Pray that you may remain like the earth
To be what you are your whole life ]
verse: Yuuki Kobayashi
translated: Seth Balthazar
105cm × 180cm
Sumi on paper
2016 ©︎yuukikobayashi